Record Book Foundation

Support Wildlife

This site is exclusively dedicated to assisting you in obtaining the special Nevada “Support Wildlife” license plate. Your support will be used for Wildlife projects in Nevada.

The Foundation is currently funding numerous scholarships for college students and others pursuing wildlife course work. Other projects are being considered as funds become available.


The Foundation provides scholarships for those dedicating their careers to wildlife management. The Foundation is also developing other programs that will promote public knowledge of Nevada’s wildlife and its delicate habitat. If you chose to purchase the Support Wildlife Plate you will receive one $25.00 Gift Card that is valid for any purchase from one of our partners in your area.

Purchase the Support Wildlife Special License Plate and receive $25 gift card from Cabela’s or Mark for & Strike, when you license your vehicle and you will help support the Nevada Wildlife Record Book Foundation’s program to help wildlife in the State of Nevada.

The Nevada Wildlife Record Book Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Tax Exempt Nevada Corporation. This offer is independent from any other offer from Cabela’s or Mark Fore and Strike.

Thank you for your support.
-The Nevada Wildlife Record Book Foundation

License Plate

Limit one gift card per new license plate purchased. Original purchase only. Transfers and renewals not eligible. This offer may be withdrawn at any time without prior notice. The Support Wildlife Plate involves an additional fee for the initial purchase and an additional yearly charge to renew the plate.

Tax Filings

2023 Tax Filing

2022 Tax Filing

2021 Tax Filing

Jessie Beck Elementary School 5 th Grade Trip to Grizzly Creek Ranch

For the 2010-2011 school year, the Nevada Wildlife Record Book Foundation funded the participant fees for every fifth grader from Jessie Beck Elementary to attend a three-day, two-night excursion to Grizzly Creek Ranch, outside of Portola, California. All students had to raise was the money for transportation to get there ($25 a person). The purpose was to create an opportunity where the students could interact with their science in an outdoor forum. The second overall objective was to introduce the students from a variety of backgrounds to the outdoors so that they left the experience with a positive attitude toward nature and wildlife.

This is the third year for this endeavor. Instructors have noticed students’ wildlife interactions and educational experience has been greatly increased over this time. Frequently students see wildlife on the bus ride out (about 30 does and bucks were seen this year in a field this side of Portola). Informal animal tracking/identification takes place as groups find deer, coyote, and other tracks as they venture through the woods. Students participated in an in-depth analysis of a pond’s ecology and ecosystem. They learned about invertebrates and vertebrates, invasive species, life cycles, and more. Students learned about adaptations and camouflage in order to help a creature survive. Students learned more about ecosystems during nature hikes and talks at night, including the night hike. During this hike, students walked in small groups through the woods, learning a vast amount of information about the creatures that come out in the darkness. It is also an activity where no lights of any kind are permitted (making for an even better learning experience).

Students also are introduced to the sport of archery. This is one of the most exciting experiences for many of the children. Last year, several students tried talking their parents into getting them into the sport after we returned.

Students spent an afternoon reflecting about the experience in their science lab book upon returning from the trip. They reflected upon how this experience taught them more about themselves, nature and scientific concepts. Students prepared a newsletter with the most important information from these reflections.

Grizzly Ranch

Highway 93 Wildlife Crossings

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) and the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) began discussing and sharing ideas on constructing wildlife crossings for the eastern Elko County mule deer population in 2006. The overpass crossing would function primarily for the migratory mule deer sub-herd involving approximately 5,000 individuals travelling 80-110 miles each fall and spring that cross at or within two miles of the 10-mile Summit on U.S, Highway 93. The 10-mile Summit site has one of the highest concentrations of collisions and due to the landscape and width of the road; it provided the site with the fewest challenges and the greatest potential for success for a wildlife crossing overpass.

NDOT completed the 10-Mile Summit overpass design in early 2009. The bid was awarded during the spring of 2009. Construction began in August 2009 and was suspended in December 2009 due to winter weather and extreme cold temperatures. Construction was restarted in March 2010 and completed by July 2010.

The first season after completion, monitoring of mule deer approaching and successfully crossing the overpass was conducted. Ninety-six percent of mule deer approaching the structure successfully crossed to the opposite side of the highway.

Contact us to learn more!

Wildlife Grant Program 2024 Request for Proposal

Wildlife Grant Program


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